Saturday, November 16, 2013

I Need You : Nadynn Morrison

You walked away from me. I was powerless to stop you. Nothing would work, I knew it in my heart. I could beg, cry, get angry but you'd still walk away. I was always the person to leave. What a feeling it was to watch you go. I never expected that my heart could be ripped apart so easily. Silently, tears fell from my face as you left. The sound of the door closing, the final straw. Where did my emotional stability go? As I fell down, I lost everything. You had become a part of my life I couldn't do without. And yet, you left. Sometimes I wonder if the only thing that could've made you stay was if I told you I loved you. How could I? When I didn't even know myself. I never felt love so strong as the moment you gave me up. Even knowing as I do now, I don't think I could have said it. Even if it would have made you stay. I'm sleeping in sorrow now. Wishing everyday to see you and knowing I won't. I would never leave you. I see that now. Do you still love me? Once you promised you would always come back to me. Will you keep that promise or is it different now that you're no longer disillusioned by me. I'll keep holding onto that promise. Hoping for you to be here one day. Just like the days of the past. How did we even met? I wish I could say we had some monument moment. A beautiful memory that I could tell everyone when we get married and even to the children we would have if you came back. Sadly, nothing of the sort happened. I can't even remember the moment we met. Gradually, over time, you became a part of my life. I told you I would never date you. That I would never love you. Yet, somehow we became something. All the sweet memories of being together are not spoiled by our fights that only brought us closer. Do you remember the ultimatum you gave me? Together or apart? You should have known that when you asked me if I could ever love you that I already did even though I hadn't noticed. Instead you said if I couldn't that you were going to leave. No time to answer, I just watched you walk away. You said I made you strong. Are you strong now? Far away from me. Do you need me now? Or have you become strong on your own and no longer need me? I need you.

Love's Briar Patch : Krysta Walker

Falling in love for the first time. You don’t even know that you’re doing it. Imagine that you’re falling down a hill, but you feel like you’re floating, so you don’t even know that you’re falling. Not even when you hit the bottom, a pit of roses, do you realize that the roses have thorns. Those thorns are digging into your hips and snagging your hair, but all you feel are smooth kisses, soft touches, light breezes. All you see is a clear blue sky, but you don’t realize that you’re looking up, laying on your back in the mud. All you feel is the sweet summer air floating above your face and you don’t realize that you’re slipping deeper and deeper. You don’t realize until you've rolled all the way to the bottom of the pit and are crawling out. It’s then that you see that you’re covered in cuts and bruises, that you’re cold and bleeding. That the sun is still shining, but the wind is biting. So you’re standing on that hill, barely making it, still you’re standing. And you look back down there, into that pit, and even though you see all those sharp thorns and the mud all over you, even though all of the warmth is gone, you still remember. You still have goose bumps from the breeze. You can still smell the roses. And the worst part about love, the worst and best, the part that gets us all in the end, is that you know that you’d gladly fall down that hill, into the pit and the thorns and the mud, a thousand times more.

The Sword Of Damocles (Dread) :Nadynn Morrison

When you're reading and suddenly you feel that feeling. We all know it. The feeling of dread. You're reading and everything is fine. There's no sign something bad is going to happen. No this is not a Stephen king novel I'm talking about. There's no dread at every turned page, no wondering. Just a normal calm novel. The characters have had their ups and downs but nothing too serious. You've felt sympathy and excitement and love. But it's in that moment you never expected.
As I said everything is fine. Two people could be driving and chatting away happily like any other day and you're just happy and laughing with them. But then a thought crosses your mind. No reason, no purpose behind it but now you've felt the dread. Because everything was fine and if you stop and look back, everything still fine but you'll move forward and maybe everything will still be fine but maybe it won't be. You're dreading every word, waiting for the impossible to happen. And when it doesn't, you feel relieved and wondered why you ever worried. There was nothing there to make you worry. So why had you? Because not every time you will be relieved. There will be a time where you are dreading every word after your unwarranted thought and it happens.
The impossible.
Another car turning loses control on ice and the car crash happens. Lives are endangered. And you knew it would happen. You felt the dread but there was nothing you could do to stop it. There were no signs it would happen but you still felt the dread. It's in that moment your life changes. It's not only when reading stories but in our everyday life that we feel that overcoming dread.
But so often it is relieved that we forget there was a passing thought of dread.