Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Sword Of Damocles (Dread) :Nadynn Morrison

When you're reading and suddenly you feel that feeling. We all know it. The feeling of dread. You're reading and everything is fine. There's no sign something bad is going to happen. No this is not a Stephen king novel I'm talking about. There's no dread at every turned page, no wondering. Just a normal calm novel. The characters have had their ups and downs but nothing too serious. You've felt sympathy and excitement and love. But it's in that moment you never expected.
As I said everything is fine. Two people could be driving and chatting away happily like any other day and you're just happy and laughing with them. But then a thought crosses your mind. No reason, no purpose behind it but now you've felt the dread. Because everything was fine and if you stop and look back, everything still fine but you'll move forward and maybe everything will still be fine but maybe it won't be. You're dreading every word, waiting for the impossible to happen. And when it doesn't, you feel relieved and wondered why you ever worried. There was nothing there to make you worry. So why had you? Because not every time you will be relieved. There will be a time where you are dreading every word after your unwarranted thought and it happens.
The impossible.
Another car turning loses control on ice and the car crash happens. Lives are endangered. And you knew it would happen. You felt the dread but there was nothing you could do to stop it. There were no signs it would happen but you still felt the dread. It's in that moment your life changes. It's not only when reading stories but in our everyday life that we feel that overcoming dread.
But so often it is relieved that we forget there was a passing thought of dread.

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